
Partitions in Apache Spark

One of the most important things to learn about Spark is that it's not magic. The framework still adheres to the rules of computer science. What I mean by this is that you can still do plenty of unoptimized workflows and see poor performance. Understanding how Spark works under the hood, from even a cursory level, can help in writing better Spark applications. 

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15 Minutes a Day

For the past year, I've had a daily goal of writing for 15 minutes. On the surface, it doesn't seem like very much. I spend far more than 15 minutes a day on Twitter, and far more than 15 minutes a day just getting recalibrated after a workout. The idea originally came to me when I was in college. I was working as a research assistant and the professor I worked for wrote something every day for 15 minutes.

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The Pleasure and Boredom of Doing Too Much

It's a Thursday night and I'm on a plane flying from SFO to SLC, painstaking making a list of things I need to accomplish after attending a conference. In this process, I look over other lists I've created in the past month and realize I need to centralize my lists and come up with a better system to follow up and track goals I've created.

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